29 2023-11
Seminar on BRI: Navigating the Digital Era: Exploring the Development of Digital Economy Standards along the Belt and Road Initiative
Dr. Xiaoou Liu is a Professor at Renmin University of China. She holds a Ph.D. in agricultural and resource economics from University of Connecticut. Her current research has focused on interpretable Machine Learning models, and applying machine learning approaches to classic econometric estimation.
22 2023-11
Who's who in international relations? The vocabulary for describing international actors
Who's who in international relations?
The vocabulary for describing international actors -
13 2023-11
Seminar on BRI: Cultural Exchanges along the Silk Road
Lecture——Cultural Exchanges along the Silk Road
06 2023-06
Upcoming Event: SRS 3rd Postgraduate Academic Forum
27 2023-05
Seminar on China Studies: A New Tale of Two "Cities": Rural and Urban Informatics
Towards social inclusion in AGI era